Saturday, November 8, 2008

Too Much Time

So Chandler has too much "free" time on her hands. She does a pretty good job keeping herself entertained, but every once in a while I come across something like this...

I was wiping off the table and noticed this recent carving addition to our tables appearance. I called Chandler over and asked her, "What is this?" "I carved my name," she replied. Very calm, very matter of fact, like it was an every day occurrence. It actually is not very deep; she did it with a pen, and I am planning to replace this table very soon. But it does make me think that maybe, just maybe I shouldn't have anything new around for the next 5 years or so! With these two boys there is no telling what might be coming. I really want to replace the table, and I won't wait 5 more years to do that. I'll just have to be on heightened alert!

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