Thursday, January 1, 2009


I have never been to NYC (except a quick drive through the city and onto the ferry when I was 13) and I have always wanted to go during Christmas time. So this year for Christmas, my wonderful husband arranged overnight care for the kids and we went for a quick 1 day/1night trip to the city that never sleeps! The weather forcast was for rain all day and a high of about 38 -yea. Thankfully we had snow instead of rain (at least for most of the day). It was COOOOOLD, but it was pretty. We went to see the site of the twin towers, then walked through Chinatown and had lunch in Little Italy.

Just when I had started to thaw out, we were off again. We looked at the Empire State Building (too cloudy/foggy to be worth going up) and headed to Rockefeller and 5th Avenue. Seeing the tree with the ice skaters in front was pretty cool. I would have loved to skate, but by this time I was too cold and tired to make the effort! We looked around 5th Avenue a bit, picked up a gift for the kids at FAO Schwartz, and headed back to the hotel to dry out and catch a quick nap. We had a wonderful, wonderful dinner at The Spotted Pig in the West Village (thanks Becca), even though we didn't see any "famous people" as Bennett had requested! It was great to end the day with a little taste of a non-touristy part of NYC. I am looking forward to my next trip to the Big Apple when it is a tad warmer and I can spend more time shopping! :)

Catching Up

Ok, so since I did not keep this blog up to date I am going to try to go back and catch you up, so to speak! This was our year to go home at Thanksgiving. The kids did great on the flights, but we are thankful to have the traveling behind us for a bit! (Christmas in NC next year, Kurachi's/Tillman's?) Whenever we are home for Thanskgiving we have Christmas (or Thanksmas as it were). We had a great time and having two Christmases is great fun! As you can see, Josiah got a little golf set - what, it helps the ball go in the hole if you hold your mouth open - try it! Unfortunately the golf clubs have morphed into just clubs... that Garrison uses to hit his older siblings over the head.

My parents have outdoor/semi-wild cats and while we were there the momma cat disappeared leaving behind 3 kittens. Mom was all set to take them to the Humane Society, but then Chandler got involved... and now they have 3 new kittens! She looooooved those kitties and helped Aunt Kelli feed them with a medicine dropper for the first few days. After we got home she asked me if next time we could bring the kittens home with us. (NO!)

And Garrison, well he just loved all of it - especially Lilly (who did not love him back quite as much!).

I just remembered that the boys were actually under the weather for the first half of the visit. Josiah had a fever on the plane there followed by congestion.. and then Garrison got it. So they were pretty fussy for the first few days - thankfully they were feeling better by the end of the week and the trip home!